"I love this cute grandma."

"I love this cute grandma."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's a long one...making up for 3 weeks of no letter!

From: Jeffrey Romney Wright
Date: Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 11:50 AM
Subject: This week
To: Jolene Wright

This week has been magnificent, we have had our annual yearly mission tour, this year we had an amazing opportunity to be in the presence of three members of the quorum of the seventy, Elder Watson, Elder Gong, and Elder Wong. All three of them, within the last two conferences gave talks! It was a very uplifting time, we learned how we can become better missionaries and how we can "recongize and understand the holy ghost, within our lives and giving others the same oppt to feel it in their lives." I got a call the night before the mission tour, getting told that my companion and I would be this years subject interviewers. So we had an amazing opportunity to sit down with them and conduct and interview. They asked us questions and we got to know each other on a deeper scale. It was fantastic. I learned so much from this mission tour. Their wives all accompanied them and brought with them just the most amazing spirit, something I have never felt before, the way they conducted themselves and talked is undescribeable. We all learned something that day, the spirit bore witness to all of us, that these three elders have been called of God so serve over the Asia Area, not only did they recieve the gift of tongues, two of them shared with us, their testimonies in languages that they are very unfamiliar with, showing to us, that with faith anything is possible. One talked about jacob and the stones, not only did he talk about it, but brought one of them with him and showed it to us. He told us as this stone glows in the dark, we need to do the same, we need to be the light of the world, at all times and in all places, we need to emulate Christ like love to all and accept everyone for who they are. It showed to us and confirmed to us, that the Lord is there and He answers our prayers. I went into this meeting, asking three questions before hand to Heavenly Father. Having faith all three questions would get answered. They got answered and I got humbled. Funny how that always works out. The Lord works in mysterious ways I promise you that. I do promise you that he is there and he will answer your prayers. As I was asked to give a talk on the Holy Ghost at this conference I prayed and asked Him what to talk about because of how broad this topic was. My topic was, "What can the Holy Ghost do for me, my investigators, members, less-actives, and everyone?" As we read in St. John 14:26, it tells us that it can bring to past a remembrance of the truth of all things, such as the plan that we chose in our pre-earth life. It really can do anything, if you rely on it. I go into talking about the blessings it brings into others lives if we are worthy to have that constant companionship and I told the story of my friend, "Anthony". . . what a miracle that was! That I was worthy at that time to recieve him and find him, and answer his prayers, he had a vision/ dream of me, (I shared this experience a couple of letters ago. Anthony had a dream of my name badge.) If I wasn't worthy to find him.. who would have? As we know the Lord is preparing people for all of us right now to serve, love, and give an oppotunity to partake in this gospel message. When you were baptized you promised to take upon you His name, do you feel like you are living up to him? What can you drop or change in your life, that will enable you to come closer to him, he's waiting for you to help his children, whether it be your own childern or friends, family or relatives, or those that you haven't met at this time that you will in the future, are you preparing yourself? Your testimony? Are you unshakeable? Where is YOUR foundation built, in the unwavering sand or the sturdy unmovable rocks? How can you form your sandy foundation into the the rocks of the Lord? Are you converted to the Lord or the church? He knows, you know, and I'm sure at times you convince yourself that you are converted to Him, but in reality you are converted unto the church, I see it daily as I work with the members. It's a concern of mine, trying to find ways to help them to continue to develop their testimonies, find ways to serve and love everyone, it's hard as time goes on, with my recent converts I have to continue to give them goals and ambtions, things to look forward to, so that they don't give up and they continue to develop their love for God and his perfect church. One is to go to the temple monthly, (yes Ernest monthly!) go to church every week, to partake of the sacrament, to find ways to serve others and let them feel of Christs love through you . My mission has taught me a lot. I have grown and I really am so grateful for this opportunity to be out here in Hong Kong, among my brothers and sisters, living, loving, and serving them. They are close to my heart now, they have had an impact that will and can't ever leave me. It's changed my life in a way that I can't even put into words. It talks in my p blessing that I would serve a mission in an area where my best friends are waiting to find me again, well I can tell you I have found a lot of new best friends because I was able to have that constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. Think about what you could do for yourself, your family, your neighbors, your wards, stakes and so many more people, if you had that constant companionship. Pretty spectacular. It is the best gift that we could ever receive. I am so grateful for all of you and all that you have taught me, because growing up I was stubborn and I would say I was not an active member, but now as I see the blessing of this church and what it can do for me, my friends, my family, I would tell everyone that a mission is the best decision I have ever and probably wil ever make in my life. I know that if I didn't go on a mission, I wouldn't have the amazing future that Heavenly Father has in store for me. I encourage you all if you are able to, to start preparing now to serve the Lord. Whether with your husband or wife or alone, whether its in 30 years or 3 months, start preparing now, because the Lord has been preparing people for you for years and years now. Remember with faith, we can speak any language, but the most importnant language is that of the spirit. The spirit is what leads others unto conversion, that helps us, as members to serve others, and to continue to develop our own testimonies. Rely on the spirit. First you need to recognize what it can do for you and everyone else, have a desire to have it, ask for it, have faith you will receive it, look and listen for it, and act upon it (to act is to do ), and than give thanks for it. Remember all that is good is of the spirit. It may be awkward and weird and you may be shy, but get over it, thats what I have learned as a missionary, this isn't our time its the Lords, if he needs our help you best be the first one to help him. As missionaries we run into so many awkward situations that we just think to ourselves, do you REALLY need to talk to them and sometimes we doubt, but I know everytime I have listened to the spirit, miracles have been wrought about and now I listen and act upon it 24 hours, 7 days a week, giving all an opportunity to come unto Christ. Since we are all his children, don't judge anyone love all, they are his children, accept them as He would. No matter what!. I love you all and know you are all amazing. now I want you to go, " thrash the nations with the spirit, calling all unto repentance" go and make the earth trumble and clouds rumble ( with the spirit ) its up to you now...

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