To: Jolene Wright
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:58 PM
Subject: Leih Deih Hou!
Leih Deih Hou!
Hello everybody, I hope that you are all having a fantastic week. My week so far has been amazing. I am so grateful for all the opportunties that Heavenly Father has given me to grow. This week, we had an impecable mission tour, it was amazing. This mission is just getting better and better, day by day, second by second. President Chan and Sister Chan are some of the most intune people I have ever seen. They are both born and raised here in Hong Kong, growing up speaking Cantonese and living the chinese culture. They are now in charge of the mission, that is of many different nationalities and of many that come from a mother language of enlgish. President and Sister Chans english may not be the best, they may not speak the most fluently, but i tell you they are truely called of god to serve over the hong kong mission at this time. I have seen and still see to this day the power of tongues working in their lives as they give their all to the lord to serve us missionaries and the thousands of different other ethnicites here in hong kong. The gift of tongues can be given to all of us, and it doesnt havent to be through the words we speak but it can also be through the emotions we express and how we go about doing it. It can be a simple smile and a great hug. Or just the simple look of your body language showing that you are interested and trying your best to understand that persons situation. The gift of tongues is also a power of love. As we walk on the streets day after day, we do our best to share this message with everyone, some days our cantonese or mandrin isnt good enough ( haha sometime my english isnt even good enough ) and they just dont understand what in the world we are trying to say, but the amazing this is, when we show it in our face, and in our body language that we truely love our father in heaven, when we are happy and smiling though matter what, and giving it our all, acting as if this man or women might die tomorrow and giving them the gospel as if it were there last day, they will come to feel the saviors love and more importantly they will feel the gift of the holy ghost. Missionary work is so unquie and so amazing. i love it so much. Right now i dont want to talk to you about any of our investigators but i want to talk about my buddy william, william is in a family of 4, his mom, dad, and little brother. He got baptized at the age of 8 with both of his parents and his brother at the time wasnt old enough. One month after they all got baptized they were offened and havent been to church for 10 years now. About 2 months ago i found his record under my bed. It was a picture from their baptism and it had their address on the back. Two cute little boys and their parents, i felt i had to find them, this was one of the reason heavenly father has put me in this area. I prayed that night asking our father in heaven to give me an opportunity to find william and eventually bring the whole family back home again. The next day we set out, no one was at home, this happened for a week or two, finally, we were finding one day, and most of the time we talk to the younger teenage young men here in hong kong, they love talking to us, and just think its so rad we speak chinese and play soccer and can use chop stix haha, as we were finding a ran into this boy and what was his name.... william... i thought to myself could it be him, and the spirit told me his full chinese name, so i asked him if that was his name it was! he was in a rush and remembered nothign about his baptism or anything about church. he is now 18 years old and finishing up his last year in school, he is pretty shy but a very smart young man. We have been working with him since that day, we see him multiple times a week and he now is fully active in the church, he called me last night and said elder right do you remember when you shared with me and serving a mission, well i prayed about it and i want to go, so he will be starting his papers this week. We will be having our first visit with his whole family this sunday, and hope we can bring them all back( way shortened due to time and my crazy mom that wont stop emailing me haha) . At some time or another we will all be offened by another member of our church, decide today if what that person says to you, will keep you from returning to your father in heaven or make you break the convenants you have promised him you would keep forever. Decide today if you are going to follow him or satan. there is no middle ground. i want to tell you more of the story but i just dont have time, long story short, he told us the day we found him he was going to commit sucide but when we saw him he felt something and the spirit told him see them one more time and than you can do as you want, so he did, william said to me last night as we were playing soccer, elder wright i lvoe you, you saved my life through the powers of heaven and i am forever in debt to you and now its my turn to give back to the lord for 2 years, thank you for being worthy and saving my life, as i talked his mom last night after him she came to the phone bawling telling me the change that she has seen in him. This gospel changes lives. let it change yours. like joan, what more can you sacrafice in your life to come closer to him, it may not needs be your family country and freedom, maybe just cleaner thoughts, daily reading of the bom, simple steps is all it takes. i love you linds keep up the great work! lauren keep smiling youll be here before you know it. mom and dad, i lvoe you guys. stop worrying all is okay! smile~!
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