"I love this cute grandma."

"I love this cute grandma."

Monday, June 28, 2010

Latest Health Update for Jeffrey

I can honestly say, the past couple of months have been a roller coaster ride regarding Jeffreys health. In the past week, it has been a very huge decision as to whether or not Jeffrey should go on to Hong Kong or stay state side. He has been diagnosed with Cyclic Neutropenia. This is a very rare blood disorder. One in 1,000,000 people get it. The doctors do not know where Jeffrey got this, how he got this, why it manifested itself right now, and at this stage there is no treatment. There is no way to determine whether it will get worse, better or possibly even go away. Bottom line... there is just not a great deal of information. To simply summarize Jeffreys condition his white blood count is cycling low. His count cycles between 3.0 and 4.1 A normal WBC should range between 4.5 - 11.0. The biggest concern is bacterial infection of any kind. He has numerous symptoms. As a normal mother, I say kidnap him, bring him home and never let him out of my sight again..... If only it were that easy. AGAIN, we thank so many of you for your love, support, prayers, letters and encouragement. Jeffs parents, Jack and Nancy are amazing! Jeffrey is one loved grandson. Jack, also referred to as "pap", Jeffreys grandfather, has been unbelievable in helping us. If you have any questions about supplements or herbs, he is the man to talk to! ***Do you remember back in the beginning of this blog when Jeffrey started to have difficulties? I mentioned Bishop Larson. He was our Bishop in New Canaan. Well, he has been so instrumental in our families life, incredibly so with Jeffrey. He has continued to support, love and guide us every step of the way. He called his uncle. The first uncle was an Infectious Disease Specialist. He gave us wonderful insight. He then called another uncle. Elder Ballard. The list goes on as to the phone calls that have been made on Jeffreys behalf. To President Hinckley (the late Presidents son) a member of the Quorum of the 70 who oversees all missions, and to another specialist in Salt Lake City. Bishop Larson has spent days and hours in helping us to do what is best for Jeffrey. With a great deal of research into the medical situation in Hong Kong, and many opinions from several specialists, countless prayers and fasting, Jeffrey will be going on to Hong Kong! He will be leaving Utah on July 5th. Arriving to serve the people of China. He is about as excited and happy and anxious as they come! No need for anyone in Utah to go to Bath and Body Works.......I bought them out of all antibacterial products yesterday!

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