"I love this cute grandma."

"I love this cute grandma."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Elder Wright is now the Hong Kong Fashion Police.....

Subject: Ji Saat! Mgoi!
To: "Jolene Wright"
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 2:05 AM

Dear Family and Friends,

Another week has come and gone and yes I am still here in Hong Kong, loving each and every second I am given. What a blessing it is. The food seems to be really growing on me. I crave it at times ( not everything haha ) but a lot. This week we just had the wonderful opportunity to have pig hooves and chicken feet, mmm... some of my new favorite things. PHYSC> what are they thinking when they eat these things?? I have come to a postive conclusion that all the good meat gets shipped to America, while here in HONG KONG, we recieve all the left over with every peice of bone and organs and what not! Just thought I'd share that with you. I have started learning some chinese sign language, because our ward has a lot of deaf people. Well lets think about this, I can't even speak chinese yet, let alone, do sign language haahhaha. It's funny, if only you could see me on sundays trying to translate. Hahaha. wow. Funny things about the people of the asian areas. There singing capability..... hahahah, I love it! I videoed our ward kareoke night, you will all really enjoy this. I was bawling I was laughing so hard, but they were dead serious. There style is off the freakin walls, let me tell you that. Stripes, plaids, every single pattern all on one single human being! It's amazing they get let out side. Hair is very important to them, they LOVE their hair. Its been so fun getting use to this culture. There is not one thing I don't love about them. I love Hong Kong and everything about it. We should be having a baptism, Sept 12. We will see what happens, here name is Lisa and shes 28. All is good in hk loving each and every day!

Mosiah 4: 24 & 30
D&C 6:36

Each of us will face trials and tests, it is how we react to those difficulties that will determine our success and happiness. Each of us will face adversity no matter where we are. We will each face times of difficulty and the question is not when we will face them, but how we face them. Paul remnded the saints that " all things work together for good to them that love god. Our heavenly father who loves us completely and perfectly permits us to have experiences that will allow us to develop the traits and attributes we need to become more and more christlike. Our trials come in many forms, but each will allow us to become more like the savior as we learn to recognize the good that comes from each experience. As we understand this doctrine we gain greater assurance of our fathers love. We may never know in this life why we face what we do, but we can feel confident that we can grow from the experience. Now I realize that it is much easier to look back, when a trial is over and see what we have learned from our experience. But the challenge is to gain the eternal perspective while we are going through our tests. Some of our trials may not seem great, but to each of us who are passing through these experiences, the trials are real and require us to humble ourselves before god and learn from him. Learn FROM HIM> Sometimes we pass through pain and sorrow that we might grow and be prepared for potential trials in the future. Instead of asking why me? or what did i do to deserve this? maybe the question should be, what am I to do? what can I learn? what am I to change? Christ got scourged and suffered so much. They smite him and he suffereth it. They spit on him and he suffereth it because of his loving and kindness and long suffering towards the children of men. We must always attempt to correct the problem and overcome it first! In our trials let us not become bitter and uncommitted, but let us follow the saviors example of becoming more earnest and more sincere and more FAITHFUL. Pres monson stated " I believe the savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves in the service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives. Those who live only for themselves eventually shrivel up and figurativley lose their lives. While those who loose themselves in service to others grow and flourish and in effect save their lives" SERVE EVERYONE> and do this that " all things will work together for good to us that love god.

be safe. write me. hah. love you all. pray for you all individually. and hope the best for you all.!

elder wright

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